With a toddler, every day is an adventure to say the least, but here are some moments worth witing down.
-Right after Ryder was born, Rylee walked up to him and showed him "eyes, ears" Then she grabbed his nose and said "honk, honk!"
- Rob rough-housing with Rylee one night and he would fake cry. She would say "uh-oh daddy! Are you otay?" Then once he cried for a long time and she finally said "oh no! You need a paci!" (smart girl - at our house, when you cry, you get a paci!)
- Me: "ROAR!" .... Rylee"That's a lion! ROAR!" ...Ryder :"ahhhhhhhh" (even at 2 months he wanted to join in on the fun!)
- Rob gave Rylee sugars one night and she told him, "That was sweet!!" (We are always encouraging her when she is sweet to Ryder)
- After watching daddy do this for months, Rylee picked up her sippy cup one night and said "gulp, gulp, gulp..... BURP!!"
- Rob rocking Rylee to sleep one night and she was playing with her milk and some got in her eyes. She looked at me and said "owwie mommy" I said "what happened?" she said "I broke my eyes". ...a few seconds later, Rob said "sing your bedtime song" (a little song he sings her every night) She started singing a little song not even close to what he sings her. He said "Rylee did you just make that up?" SHe responds " haha. yea!!"
- Even though Rylee has had many little catch phrases for quite a while, some days it still seems so bizarre, that she is just a tiny little person with her own (very BIG) personality! Here's my favorite phrases
- Oh no!
- I don't even know!
- Oh Gosh!
- What did you do?
- Otay
- Okie Dokie
- Come on! Let's go!
- Yeah! (Her answer to everything!)
- SHe also always says "Please" and she can say "help" "hold me" and "Sorry". She is very polite! She ran into a pole one day at big daddy's house and told the pole "sorry" or actually "soddy" THen one of his dogs sneezed and she told him "bless you!"
- Lately she has been telling me "Sit in my lap, mommy!"
- Ryder stealing Rylee's toys and her telling him "no no Ryder... give it!!" Poor little guy just wants to be close to her and it gets on her nerves! It's funny to watch but also breaks my heart a little for him - because I feel his pain- I'm the youngest!
I gotta say, staying home with these babies is the best thing in the world. It's all I've eve wanted to do, ever! Since I was 5, people asked me what I wanted to be when I "grew up" and i said "a stay at home mom!" My dreams came true and I am so thankful. Very few people get to live their dream. I do - awesome godly husband (and quite the looker), and 2 perfect healthy kids. I'm not gonna lie - my house is messy ALL the time. It's a HUGE financial strain. I'm constantly exhausted and little crazy. But I love it and can't be anything but grateful! On that note, I gotta close with the chorus to a song by an extremely talented and famous musician (you may have heard of him - Rob Dubois)
"I wouldn't change a thing. I love the life we live. We ain't got it all, we ain't problem-free, but there's always you and me. And so I wouldn't a thing!!
(sorry no pics this time, it takes too long and I've got precious-little time before nap-time is over!)
Precious days! I'm overjoyed that YOU are loving every minute of them! Love you all so much!